Tech-Free is the Way to Be!
No screens. It really is that simple.
In a post-pandemic world, kids are attached to their screens more than ever. They come by it honestly. Schools had to teach on Zoom, connections were maintained on social media when face to face time was compromised, and the world shifted into an even more technologically reliant direction.
Enter Southwoods stage left. We are fully committed to in-person connection. We unplug, look up, and enjoy the natural world around us. Instead of seeing the outdoors on Instagram, we experience it ourselves. You’d be surprised by the response. Older campers say they love the break from social media. Staff say they love being “freed” from their phones. Our Tech-Free environment is not a hurdle that campers have to adjust to; it’s one of their favorite parts of camp!
Southwoods campers are free from cell phones, tablets, laptops, and any technology that connects to WiFi. Southwoods campers are welcome to bring screen-free MP3 players to listen to music and e-readers that only store books.
“I never missed my phone. I know that sounds weird! But I really never thought about it once.”
- Abby G.