Positions at Camp
Department Heads
Some activity areas require more qualified leadership than others. Department Heads oversee the operations of their activity including activity staff, equipment, and planning. Department Heads live in cabin with campers, but are given additional time to see to the necessary functions of their assigned area.
- 21+ years of age.
- Extensive experience in their department.
- Appropriate certifications.
- Previous camp experience.

Counselors are the boots on the ground working directly with the kids. They live in cabin with their assigned age group and instruct activities during the programming day. Counselors can be hired to teach a specialty (only one activity) or support multiple activities. When not leading activity, counselors supervise, guide, and nurture their cabin group.
- 18+ years of age.
- Experience in their activity area(s).
- The appropriate certifications (where applicable).

General Counselors
Some cabins have General Counselors, or staff designated strictly for the supervision and nurturing of our youngest campers. General counselors go with their cabin group to activities, help them with traditional “parental” functions, and make sure their campers are supported and thriving.
- 18+ years of age.
- Experience with supervising young children (babysitting, etc.).
- A desire to bond with and nurture our youngest campers through their first years of camp.

Leadership Staff
Our Leadership Staff steer the ship of camp.
They are the decision makers, the supervisors, and facilitators of our programming. Leadership Staff live both in and out of cabin, depending on position, and operate on an alternate schedule to the people they supervise.
- 21+ years of age.
- Extensive experience in the area they supervise.
- Appropriate certifications.
- Previous camp experience.
Leadership Positions
- Waterfront Director
- Adventure Director
- Athletics Director
- Special Programs Coordinator
- Assistant Program Director
- Program Director
- CIT Director
- Asst. Head of Lower Camp
- Asst. Head of Upper Camp

Media Staff
Hundreds of pictures, videos, and memories have to be captured every day to share with the parents and family members of campers. Our media staff are the photographers and videographers who make the magic happen. Media staff live in cabin with campers, but are given additional time to see to the necessary functions of their position.
- 18+ years of age.
- Experience with photography and videography software and editing.
- Extensive experience in their field.

Support Staff
Support Staff see to the nuts-and-bolts of operations. They work 40 hour weeks and live separately from campers. The Support Staff only do their hired positions with no cross-over between departments.
- 18+ years of age.
- Experience in their field of hire.
- For maintenance, a valid driver’s license.
Positions include:
- Maintenance
- Housekeeping
- Kitchen Staff
Health Center Staff
There is nothing more important than the health and safety of our campers and our Health Center staff is in the forefront of that work. Health Center staff live in the Health Center and must commit to at least one complete session.
- Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician’s Assistant, or practicing-Medical Doctor.
- Licensed in the State of New York.
- Experience working with children.