Foster an environment of inclusivity with and for our campers
We believe that acts of bravery, no matter the size, are important; that each child should be known and celebrated for their authentic selves; and that through active listening, empathy, and embracing the adventure all around us, we can give our campers a safe place to explore, express, and grow. From the 3 C’s to Huddle Up and everything in between, we can give our campers a community they’ll care for year after year, generation after generation.
The 3 C’s
At Southwoods, our central tenants are the Three C’s

Southwoods campers act with bravery. Whether it’s trying new things, going outside of their comfort zone, heading off into the natural world or standing up for what they believe in, our campers learn by example to take leaps of faith and act with a lion heart.

Southwoods is more than a fun place to spend a summer; it’s a community of people from all walks of life, cultures, races, religions, and locations. Southwoods campers learn to embrace people different from them, the ecosystems that make up their natural community, and celebrate the beautiful variety our world has to offer.

At Southwoods, we believe it’s not enough to know “how” and encourage our campers to always ask “why?”. Campers are given space to ask questions, to explore, invent, create, and truly understand the world around them.
Earning a “C”
Campers, counselors, leadership, and staff can all nominate each other for a C. Each day we read all the C nominations and select a few special ones to be presented at Line Up. Earning a C means you went above and beyond to embody the spirit of Community, Curiosity, and Courage. It’s a big deal, and the campers who earn them are looked to as examples of Southwoods values by our whole community. It’s how we recongize what’s really important — acting with bravery, finding inspiration through learning, and being the person who makes everyone feel like they belong.